Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery

energizer-bunny-clock Check your smoke detector battery when you change your clocks. SLFD will conduct a free smoke detectors check for any City resident.

Non-working smoke alarms rob residents of the protective benefits they are designed to provide. The most commonly cited cause of non-working smoke alarms: worn or missing batteries.
“The peak time for home fire fatalities is between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. when most families are sleeping,” says Chief Kennedy. “Smoke alarm maintenance is a simple, effective way to reduce home fire deaths. Children and senior citizens are most at risk, and a working smoke alarm can give them the extra seconds they need to get out safely.”

Safety Tips

  • Install smoke alarms inside every bedroom, outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home, including the basement.
  • Larger homes may need additional smoke alarms to provide enough protection.
  • For the best protection, interconnect all smoke alarms so when one sounds they all sound.
  • Smoke alarms should be installed away from the kitchen to prevent false alarms. Generally, they should be at least 10 feet from a cooking appliance.
  • Replace all smoke alarms when they are 10 years old.